We have integrated a pair of Website Accelerator Tools to your Site Control Panel to help you to conveniently improve the online effectiveness of your web sites. You will not need to customize anything with the code or try to make particular configurations that require specialized know–how from you. Inside the Site Control Panel, only choose the application you need to take advantage of – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js and create an instance for it. It is all carried out with a click. By speeding up your web sites, you won’t only prevent your site visitors from being required to hang on but will also help your website get better positions in search engine rankings.

You’ll find the Website Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Instruments section of the Site Control Panel.


RAM–caching as opposed to database calls

The Memcached system is designed for improving site streaming speeds by storing the data–base information that is required by your customers. It’s an amazing distributed memory caching platform, which allows for data and objects to be memorized within the RAM rather than being requested each time a customer visits a site.

This tool is perfect for your data–base–loaded web sites or web apps in which your users dedicate a lot of time browsing and also checking out content. Memcached is located in the advanced instruments part of the Site Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching as a substitute for HTTP queries

Utilizing the Varnish web accelerator program incorporated into the Site Control Panel, you can easily make your website webpages load better for your visitors. All of the configuration settings are carried out by way of a user–friendly interface, without needing to create any kind of immediate adjustments to the back–end code of your site.

Varnish is definitely an HTTP acceleration application that helps all web pages work a lot faster by storing them within the server RAM. In this way, right after a webpage has already been opened up by a visitor to your site once, it won’t have to be delivered by the server any longer, which in turn will reduce loading time and also boosts your web pages. It’s been calculated that Varnish normally hurries up website load times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


For constructing fast and adaptable apps

Web programmers can make use of Node.js for the purpose of putting together various top–quality and also affordable tools such as market measurement platforms, live web applications and content management systems, only to name some. It’s truly turbo fast and adaptable and is backed up by an involved online community that is regularly advancing and sustaining it.

Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and employs an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that produces its API versatile and upgradeable. This kind of modern solution makes it possible for designers to quickly establish powerful applications by using only 1 language.

Hepsia File Manager